Comparative Improvement of RBC Indices and Hemoglobin After Oral Versus Iron Therapy in Patients of Iron Deficiency Anemia


  • Mona Bargotya Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur
  • Payel Das Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur
  • Lalit Kumar Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital,Tahirpur
  • Mukul Aggarwal Raiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur



Iron Deficiency Anemia, IVIS, OI, Serum ferritin, Hemoglobin


Background: Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is the single most prevalent nutritional deficiency worldwide. Oral iron therapy is the standard of care, however in some cases parenteral iron therapy is required. This study was undertaken to evaluate the comparative improvement of RBC indices and hemoglobin after treatment with IV Iron sucrose complex and oral iron in iron deficient patients.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Super Speciality Hospital in North India on 50 patients in Department of Pathology and Clinical Hematology who were diagnosed with IDA/state based on complete blood counts (CBC), iron studies and ferritin levels. Patients on chronic proton pump inhibitor therapy or celiac disease were treated with IV iron sucrose complex (IVIS) 100 mg for 10 days and remaining were given oral iron (OI), i.e. Ferrous sulfate 100 mg 2-3 times a day. All patients were given folic acid 5 mg daily in addition to iron therapy. Various hematological parameters were compared at day 12-15 days of therapy. Statistical analysis was done by student t test. Values were considered statistically significant when p<0.05.

Result: - A total of 50 patients were included, out of which 10 received IVIS and 40 were treated with oral iron therapy. Patient belonged to age group 15-45 years. Although hemoglobin increased in both groups; rise in reticulocyte count, MCV, MCH, MCHC and increase in hemoglobin were higher in IVIS than in OI group at day 12-15 of therapy (25.7% vs 10.8%). IVIS has no major side effects. Compliance was not very good with OI group; 20% patients showed GI side effects and 5 patients left therapy because of the same.

Author Biographies

Mona Bargotya, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur

Head of Department

Department of Pathology

RGSSH, Tahirpur, Delhi

Payel Das, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur

Senior Resident

Department of Pathology


Lalit Kumar, Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital,Tahirpur

Senior Resident

Department of Pathology


Mukul Aggarwal, Raiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital, Tahirpur

Head of department
Department of Hematology
RGSSH, Tahirpur


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How to Cite

Bargotya M, Das P, Kumar L, Aggarwal M. Comparative Improvement of RBC Indices and Hemoglobin After Oral Versus Iron Therapy in Patients of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];5(9):A770-773. Available from:



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