Primary fallopian tube carcinoma presenting as a pelvic mass: A rare case report.

  • Gauri A Chavan Lilavati hospital and research centre
  • Abhijit G Bhanji
  • Chandralekha S Tampi
Keywords: Fallopian tube carcinoma, pelvic drop metastasis, transcoelomic migration


Fallopian tumours are rare gynaecologic malignancies and are often clubbed together with ovarian cancers due to their frequent ovarian involvement at presentation. Most are serous in nature. Modes of spread consists of direct extension, lymphatics, hematogenous and also transcoelomic . We hereby present a rare case of primary fallopian tube carcinoma presenting as cystic pelvic mass in the pouch of Douglas representing a transcoelomic drop metastasis.

Author Biography

Gauri A Chavan, Lilavati hospital and research centre
Department of histopathology


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Case Report