Subtyping and grading of synovial sarcomas: a cyto-histopathologic correlation study


  • Ankit Kaushik VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, GGSIPU
  • Geetika Khanna
  • Rajni .
  • Yogesh Kumar Yadav


Synovial sarcoma, FNAC, Grading, Cytology, Soft tissue tumor,


Introduction: Synovial sarcoma is a mesenchymal spindle cell tumor which displays variable epithelial differentiation, including glandular formation and has a specific chromosomal translocation t(X; 18). Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is increasingly accepted as a valid screening technique with high sensitivity and specificity in establishing the presence of malignancy and determining the mesenchymal nature of a lesion.

Aims and Objectives: In this present study, cytological features, subtyping and grading were studied retrospectively from the histologically confirmed 14 cases of synovial sarcomas and then subsequently correlated our findings from histology section.

Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in Central Institute of Orthopedic (CIO) laboratory. A total 14 cases with a diagnosis of synovial sarcomas from CIO laboratory from past 4 years were retrieved and reviewed for cytohistological correlation, subtyping and grading of synovial sarcoma.

Results: Out of total 14 cases of histological proven synovial sarcomas, 12 cases were exactly subtype on cytology. The cytological grading was only similar in 7 of 13 cases that were graded.

Conclusion: FNAC is an important and useful tool in diagnosing and subtyping synovial sarcoma.


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How to Cite

Kaushik A, Khanna G, . R, Yadav YK. Subtyping and grading of synovial sarcomas: a cyto-histopathologic correlation study. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2015 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):A81-85. Available from:



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