Blood Bank Services at Tertiary Care Center


  • Shubhangi Narayan Jibhkate- Bawankule Assistant Professor Department of Pathology Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur
  • Neha Ramesh Patil
  • Mukund Yadavrao Dhabale
  • Priyanka Ramavatar Asawa



Audit, Transfusion services, Components


Background: Audit is one mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of the total quality system. Transfusion medicine or blood bank audit embraces all procedures from blood procurement to the long term consequences of transfusion.

Aims and Objectives

To understand the problems arising in day to day working of blood bank and to ensure the appropriate indication for issuing blood and blood components to different departments.

Materials and methods

Present audit of blood bank is retrospective study done for a year in tertiary care center in central region of India. Data collection of donors and whole blood issue is done for one year from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016. Component separation had started from August 2016, so audit of component separation and its usage has been done for one year from 1stAugust 2016 to 31stJuly 2017.


In year 2016, total blood units collected were 6131 and issued were 5897. Majority of blood issue was to surgical wards 3790 compared to non-surgical wards 2107.  Out of 6109, 203 were positive for transfusion transmitted infections (TTI).  20 transfusion reactions were reported in 2016. From 1st August 2016 to 31st July 2017, total 1060 Packed Red Cells (PRC) were prepared and 1009 were utilized , 1120 units of FFP were prepared, out of which 778 were utilized  and 817 platelet concentrates were prepared  but only 205 is utilized.


Results obtained from these types of retrospective studies will provide opportunity for finding strategies in improving the blood bank services.

Author Biography

Shubhangi Narayan Jibhkate- Bawankule, Assistant Professor Department of Pathology Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur

Department of Pathology

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Jibhkate- Bawankule SN, Patil NR, Dhabale MY, Asawa PR. Blood Bank Services at Tertiary Care Center. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 May 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];5(5):A373-377. Available from:



Original Article