Focal hematopoietic hyperplasia of rib, mimicking to fibrous dysplasia


  • Ruquiya Afrose senior resident, Department of Pathology JN medical college Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh
  • Mohammad Akram JN medical college Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh
  • Mohammad Feroz Alam Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh
  • Saifullah Khalid Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh
  • Mohammed Naim Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh


Focal haematopoietic hyperplasia, pseudo-tumor rib, fibrous dysplasia


Focal haematopoietic hyperplasia is a rare and localized proliferation of the bone marrow to such an extent that it produces a tumor-like expansion hence called as pseudotumor. Radiologically it presents as an osteolytic expansile mass and may mimics with certain bony tumors. We report a case of Focal haematopoeitic hyperplasia in the 3rd anterior rib of a 45 year old man clinically presenting as a bone tumor and radiologically mimicking to fibrous dysplasia.

Author Biographies

Ruquiya Afrose, senior resident, Department of Pathology JN medical college Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Department of Pathology
JN medical college
Aligarh Mslim University

Mohammad Akram, JN medical college Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Assistant Professor

Department of Radiotherapy
JN medical college
Aligarh Mslim University

Mohammad Feroz Alam, Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Assistant Professor

Department of Pathology
JN medical college

Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Saifullah Khalid, Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Assistant Professor

Department of Radiodiagnosis
JN medical college
Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh

Mohammed Naim, Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh


Department of Pathology
JN medical college

Aligarh Mslim University Aligarh


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How to Cite

Afrose R, Akram M, Alam MF, Khalid S, Naim M. Focal hematopoietic hyperplasia of rib, mimicking to fibrous dysplasia. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2015 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):C106-110. Available from:



Case Report