Adenocarcinoma of Ampulla of Vater Presented as Recurrent Jaundice


  • Sunil Vitthalrao Jagtap Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India
  • Cyrus Dhara Jokhi Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India
  • Digvijay Patil Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India
  • Swati S Jagtap Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India



Ampullary carcinoma, Pancreatico-biliary tract neoplasm, histopathology


Background Ampullary carcinoma are relatively uncommon neoplasm which approximately seen in  0.2% of gastrointestinal carcinomas. Clinically these patient generally present at an earlier stage of the disease. As their strategic location may cause early biliary obstruction.

Case history A 70 year old male patient was presented with history of pain in abdomen, anorexia and repeated history of  jaundice. On ultrasonography and  CT scan abdomen-pelvis showed proliferative growth at periampullary area suggestive of ampullary malignancy.  Associated cholelithiasis was noted. Patient underwent surgical treatment of pancreaticoduodenectomy with cholecystectomy. On histopathology revealed moderately differentiated intestinal type of adenocarcinoma of ampulla of Vater, Grade II.

Conclusion  We are presenting this uncommon neoplasm for its rarity, recently distinguished subtype on histopathology, clinical behavior and radiological findings.

Author Biographies

Sunil Vitthalrao Jagtap, Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Professor, Dept of Pathology,  KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Cyrus Dhara Jokhi, Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Dept of Pathology,  KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Digvijay Patil, Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Dept of Pathology,  KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Swati S Jagtap, Dept of Pathology, KIMS, University, Karad. Maharashtra, India

Physiology, Asso professor


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How to Cite

Jagtap SV, Jokhi CD, Patil D, Jagtap SS. Adenocarcinoma of Ampulla of Vater Presented as Recurrent Jaundice. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(6):C82-84. Available from:



Case Report