A Cytomorphological Study Of Spectrum of Male Chest Wall Lesions Including Breast In Fine Needle Aspirates


  • Pooja Agarwal Department of Pathology, S.N. Medical College, Agra,India
  • Prashant Prakash Department of Medicine, S.N. Medical College, Agra
  • Gunjan Agarwal Department of Pathology, S.N. Medical College, Agra, India
  • Arsh Gupta RML Inst. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow


chest wall, gynaecomastia, male breast


BACKGROUND- This study was undertaken to study the spectrum and cytomorphological features of male chest wall lesions including breast . A total of 50 cases presenting in a year were studied.

METHODS- Aspiration was carried out in all the male patients presenting with chest wall and breast lesions. All smears were stained with MGG and their cytomorphology studied. Ziel-Nelson staining was done on necrotic aspirates to look for AFB.

 RESULT- Maximum numbers of cases (16) were seen in 21-30 yrs of age group while only 1 case was encountered in 8th decade. Most common diagnosis was lipoma (28%) followed by gynaecomastia (20%), inclusion cyst(18%), necrotizing inflammation (12%), acute/subacute inflammation(08%), spindle cell lesion(04%),  adenocarcinoma (04%) and high grade NHL (02%). The cases, for which histologic confirmation could be sought, showed 100% cytohistologic correlation.

CONCLUSION- It was concluded that fine needle aspiration cytology of male chest wall lesion is a useful, safe and diagnostic procedure with high rate of histological correlation.


Author Biographies

Pooja Agarwal, Department of Pathology, S.N. Medical College, Agra,India

Associate Professor

Department of Pathology

S.N. Medical College

Agra (India)

Prashant Prakash, Department of Medicine, S.N. Medical College, Agra

Associate Professor

Super Speciality Unit of Pulmoanry Medicine

Department of Medicine

SN Medical College Agra


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How to Cite

Agarwal P, Prakash P, Agarwal G, Gupta A. A Cytomorphological Study Of Spectrum of Male Chest Wall Lesions Including Breast In Fine Needle Aspirates. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];5(4):A334-338. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/1888



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