Krukenberg tumor arising from bilateral lobular carcinoma, in a pregnant lady: a rare case report


  • T Santosh KIMS & RF
  • Epari Sanjeeva Rao KIMS & RF
  • B R Mohan Rao KIMS & RF


Krukenberg tumor, Pregnancy, Breast, Invasive Lobular carcinoma, IHC, Ovary


 Metastatic ovarian tumors are thought to account for approximately 10–30% of malignant ovarian tumors. Krukenberg tumor refers to a malignancy in the ovary that metastasized from a primary site, classically the gastrointestinal tract, although it can arise in other tissues such as the breast (approx. 04%). Krukenberg tumor during pregnancy arising from breast is even rarer (0.1 - 0.2%). The presence of adnexal masses during pregnancy ranges from 1:81 to 1:2,500 pregnancies, but only 3% of these masses are malignant. Management of such cases can present as diagnostic & treatment dilemma. We report a case of 25 year primiparous female with Krukenberg tumor of breast origin.

Author Biographies

T Santosh, KIMS & RF

Asst Professor Department of Pathology.

Epari Sanjeeva Rao, KIMS & RF

Professor,Department of Pathology.

B R Mohan Rao, KIMS & RF

Professor & HOD,Department of Pathology.


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How to Cite

Santosh T, Rao ES, Rao BRM. Krukenberg tumor arising from bilateral lobular carcinoma, in a pregnant lady: a rare case report. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2015 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):C85-88. Available from:



Case Report