Increasing Incidence of Malignancy Among Male Breast Lesions in The Urban Population of India


  • Sujata Mallick KPC medical college ,Jadavpur, Kolkata
  • Mahasweta Mallik government medical college, ambikapur



Breast Carcinoma, Gynaecomastia, Hormone, Fibroadenoma


Background: Among the male breast lesion gynaecomastia is the most common lesion present. Breast malignancy accounts for less than 1% of all male malignancy. Aim of this study was to see the increasing incidence of breast carcinoma among males in India



Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken in KPC Medical College, catering to an urban population, over a period of three and a half years. 32 male breast lesions which presented in the surgery department were analysed.



Result:  75% of the cases were gynaecomastia which is the most common male breast lesion,other  benign breast lesions like epidermal cyst, breast abscess and fibroadenoma comprised 9.3% of the total lesions present. Breast carcinoma, In situ lesion and sarcoma of the breast accounted for 15.5% of the cases.


Conclusion: Worldwide studies have shown male breast carcinoma to be less than 1%. Our study showed a prevalence of 15.5% breast malignancy, showing a phenomenal increase in breast carcinoma among male patient.

Author Biographies

Sujata Mallick, KPC medical college ,Jadavpur, Kolkata

1st author- pathology department, KPC medical college,Jadavpur, kolkata


Mahasweta Mallik, government medical college, ambikapur

pathology department, GMC ambikapur


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How to Cite

Mallick S, Mallik M. Increasing Incidence of Malignancy Among Male Breast Lesions in The Urban Population of India. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(6):A511-514. Available from:



Original Article