Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor Status in Breast Carcinoma Using Quick Score

A Study at a Tertiary Care Centre in Kerala


  • Divya S Deth Al Azhar Medical College and Super Speciality Hospital, Thodupuzha
  • Shameem K Ummerali TD Medical College Alappuzha Kerala



Breast cancer, Immunohistochemistry, Estrogen receptor, Progesterone receptor, Bloom Richardson Grading, Quick score


Background :  Breast  carcinoma  is  the  most  common  malignant tumour  and  the  leading  cause  of  carcinoma  death  in women.  The  hormone  receptor status  is  important  nowadays  due  to  its  prognostic  and  therapeutic  significance.  The objective  of  this  study  was  to  correlate  estrogen (ER)  and  progesterone  receptor (PR) status  with  clinicopathological  parameters  like  age,  lymphnode  status,  size  of  the  tumour and  tumour  grade  of  breast  carcinoma.

Methods :  This  study  was  conducted  in  the  Department  of  Pathology,  Government Medical  College,  Thrissur  from  January  2012-  June  2013.  100  mastectomy  specimens were  received  and  analysed  for  both  histological  grading  and  immunohistochemically   by  quick  score  for  ER  and  PR  markers.

Results :  Majority  of  the  cases  were  between  50-60  years  of  age  with  invasive  ductal carcinoma  grade  2.  ER, PR  positivity  in  this  study  was  67%  and  62%  respectively  with both  receptors  positive  for  61%  of  cases.  In  this  study  55%  showed  no  axillary lymphnode  involvement  and  45%  showed  lymphnode  involvement  with  majority  cases had  size  between  2  and  5  cm.

Author Biographies

Divya S Deth, Al Azhar Medical College and Super Speciality Hospital, Thodupuzha

Assistant Professor

Department of Pathology

Shameem K Ummerali, TD Medical College Alappuzha Kerala

Associate Professor

Department of Pathology

TD Medical College,Alappuzha


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How to Cite

Deth DS, Ummerali SK. Expression of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor Status in Breast Carcinoma Using Quick Score: A Study at a Tertiary Care Centre in Kerala. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5(6):A540-546. Available from:



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