The Frequency and Distribution of Female Genital Tract Malignancies in a Multispecialty Hospital,in Delhi


  • Qury Sabita Mahapatra ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India
  • Sangeeta Lamba Department of Pathology , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India
  • Annu Nanda Department of Pathology ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India
  • Divya Sethi Department of Pathology , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India
  • Sonam L Jain , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi



Female Genital Tract, Malignancy, Prevalence


Background: The most common malignancy in women is breast carcinoma worldwide.  However cancers of the female genital tract are still an important cause of cancer morbidity and mortality.  They are the next commonest malignancy after breast cancer in women.

Aim: A hospital based study was conducted to determine the type and frequency of genital tract malignancies in women in multispecialty hospital in Delhi

Material and methods: Data from records of surgical biopsy & resection specimens along with demographic data for 3yrs of all the female patients with malignant lesions were included in the study.  The distribution and prevalence of malignancies of female genital tract were analyzed.

Results:  A total of 118 female patients diagnosed with malignancy were included in this study. Of these 50 cases had breast carcinoma, 48 cases had carcinoma of genital tract and 20cases had others including   carcinoma of oral cavity, salivary gland, thyroid, lymphomas, and GIT carcinoma. Cervical carcinoma (83.3%) was the most common gynecological malignancy followed by the ovary (10.4%) & then endometrial carcinoma (6.25%). Most common age group affected by cervical carcinoma was 51-60yrs. Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was the most common grade of cervical carcinoma noted.

Conclusion:  Cervical carcinoma was the most common gynecological malignancy in our study. Efforts should be made to reduce cancer burden by focus on health education of the masses, routine screening programmes for detection of cancers in females & establishing centres for monitoring & evaluation of these programmes.

Author Biographies

Qury Sabita Mahapatra, ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India

Assistant professor. Department of Pathology

Sangeeta Lamba, Department of Pathology , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India

Senior Specialist & HOD, department of Pathology

Annu Nanda, Department of Pathology ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India

Professor & HOD, Pathology

Divya Sethi, Department of Pathology , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi,India

Specialist, Deparment of Pathology

Sonam L Jain, , ESI Hospital, Rohini, Delhi

Senior Resident , Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Mahapatra QS, Lamba S, Nanda A, Sethi D, Jain SL. The Frequency and Distribution of Female Genital Tract Malignancies in a Multispecialty Hospital,in Delhi. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];5(7):A631-634. Available from:



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