Gastrointestinal lipoma presenting as colonic intussuception: report of two cases.


  • Pranita Medhi Associate professor, Department Of Pathology, Assam Medical College and Hospital,Dibrugarh,Assam
  • Mahak Sharma Demonstrator, Department Of Pathology, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh,Assam
  • Manjusha Biswas Consultant Pathologist, Nightingle Hospital,Kolkatta


Lipoma, Gastrointestinal, Benign, Obstruction,


Lipomas  are  benign  mesenchymal  tumors of adipose tissue,  though  common  at  other  sites,  are  rare  in  GIT. Most  gastrointestinal  lipomas  are  located  in  the  colon,  ileum  and jejunum,  are  rarely  responsible  for  clinical  symptoms  and  are  usually  detected  incidentally at  colonoscopy. We present two such cases of large colonic lipomas. One is a 38-years old female presenting  with  complaint  of  loose  stool  and  sessile  mass  in  transverse  colon on  colonoscopy,  suspected  to  be  a  malignant  lesion. The  other  is  a  40 years  old  female presenting  with  acute  abdomen,  colonoscopy  revealed  a  submucosal  mass  in  descending colon. Both  underwent  resection  of  mass,  and  histologically  were  revealed  to  be lipomas of  colon. Colonic  lipomas,  although  unusual,  continue  to  present  difficulties  in  the preoperative  differentiation  between  malignant  and  benign  colonic  neoplasm. Two cases of colonic  lipomas  are  reported.


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How to Cite

Medhi P, Sharma M, Biswas M. Gastrointestinal lipoma presenting as colonic intussuception: report of two cases. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2015 May 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(2):C134-137. Available from:



Case Report