Synovial Sarcoma: a Clinicopathological Study with Emphasis on Rare Sites


  • Imtiaz Ahmed Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.
  • Divya Shelly Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
  • K V Vinu Balraam Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.
  • Kriti Agarwal Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.
  • Reena Bharadwaj Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.



Clinico-pathological study, Heart, Kidney, Lung, Synovial Sarcoma.


Background: Synovial sarcoma is an infrequently diagnosed soft tissue sarcoma of the younger population with a male preponderance. Although the disease tends to home itself in the extremities particularly around the joints in the vast majority of cases,  it can also occur in other surprising locations which warrant careful and meticulous histopathological examination accompanied by a judicious use of the immunohistochemical panel.

Methods: Search of the pathology database was done to identify cases of synovial sarcomas in rare sites. 

Result: seven cases of synovial sarcoma were identified, three of which were at extremely uncommon sites rendering the diagnosis challenging and intriguing.

Conclusion: Differential diagnosis of synovial sarcoma should always be kept in mind in a young patient with a mass lesion of short duration, not only at the extremities but also involving other rarer locations like the lungs, heart and kidney.

Author Biographies

Imtiaz Ahmed, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.

Junior Resident, Department of Pathology

Divya Shelly, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune

Assistant Professor

K V Vinu Balraam, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.

Junior Resident, Department of Pathology

Kriti Agarwal, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.

Junior Resident, Department of Pathology

Reena Bharadwaj, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.

Head of Department, Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Ahmed I, Shelly D, Balraam KVV, Agarwal K, Bharadwaj R. Synovial Sarcoma: a Clinicopathological Study with Emphasis on Rare Sites. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(11):A848-854. Available from:



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