Correlation of Serum Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody Levels and Marsh Grading of Duodenal Biopsy in Patients of Celiac Disease


  • Benjith Paul Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India
  • Prateek Kinra Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India
  • Bhaskar Nandi Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India
  • AS Prasad Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India



Malabsorption, Celiac disease (CD), duodenal biopsy, modified Marsh grading, serum anti tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) test


Background: Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic small intestinal immune-mediated enteropathy precipitated in genetically predisposed individuals by ingestion of wheat gluten and related proteins of barley and rye. It is an under-diagnosed gluten-sensitive enteropathy, usually presenting with atypical/extra-intestinal features. Duodenal biopsy is considered as the gold standard in the diagnosis of CD. Serum anti tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies is auto antibodies directed against tissue transglutaminase (tTG) enzyme. Aims and objective: The aim of the study is to find out the prevalence of CD among clinically suspected cases of malabsorption, to assess the correlation of anti-tTG levels with modified Marsh grading of duodenal biopsy, to find out sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of anti-tTG test and to calculate the cut off values of anti-tTG diagnostic of high grade CD.

Methodology: The present study included 118 clinically suspected patients of malabsorption in which both duodenal biopsy and anti-tTG test was done. The mucosal damage graded according to the modified Marsh grading and anti-tTG tests were done in serum using ELISA kit.

Results: The prevalence of CD among clinically suspected cases of malabsorption was 12.7%. The incidence was highest in middle aged male patients. The most common clinical symptom was chronic diarrhea and commonest presenting sign was anemia. Anti-tTG levels were found to be proportionately increasing with the severity of CD and showed a positive correlation(r=0.433). Patients with anemia and chronic diarrhea showed statistically significant (p value=0.0242 and 0.0089 respectively) mean anti-tTG levels in Celiac patients in relation to non-Celiac patients. Although the mean levels of anti-tTG was 6.3 times higher than baseline in grade 3 disease, the ROC analysis showed that anti-tTG in isolation had no significance in exactly grading the disease (AUC=0.30).

Conclusion: Positive correlation was found between anti-tTG levels and modified Marsh grading. Anti-tTG showed proportionate increase with severity of duodenal damage. Anti-tTG test showed low sensitivity (42.86%) and high specificity (84.34%). Hence it is not a reliable tool in isolation to screen CD but should be used in combination with duodenal biopsy. It can be used to assess the severity of CD and for follow up.

Author Biographies

Benjith Paul, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India

Department of Pathology and Internal Medicine

Prateek Kinra, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India

Department of Pathology and Internal Medicine

Bhaskar Nandi, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India

Department of Pathology and Internal Medicine

AS Prasad, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, India

Department of Pathology and Internal Medicine


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How to Cite

Paul B, Kinra P, Nandi B, Prasad A. Correlation of Serum Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody Levels and Marsh Grading of Duodenal Biopsy in Patients of Celiac Disease. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];6(3):A141-148. Available from:



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