Comprehensive Histopathological Examination and Breast Cancer

An Institutional Analysis


  • Manjit Kaur Rana Advanced cancer institute (affiliated with BFUHS, FDK) Bathinda, India
  • M K Mahajan Advanced cancer Institute Bathinda, India



Carcinoma breast, Gross examination, Extranodal extension, lymphovascular invasion


Background: The histological patterns and other microscopic parameters play important role in the therapeutic management and assessment of the prognosis of the carcinoma breast. As this carcinoma shows heterogeneity, a careful gross examination followed by a more detailed examination of tissue sections is the backbone of the histopathological analysis.

Methods: Total of 103 cases of breast carcinoma were included in the study. Histopathological reports along with detailed gross examination findings were re-assessed for various histological patterns and associated features. Data obtained was analysed.

Result: Gross examination findings showed 9.4% multiplicentricity of the tumor. Histopathology revealed infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma not otherwise specified (IDC NOS) as most common histologic type (77.6%), I as common grade (45.8%) and IIA as common stage (28%) with other unique microscopic characteristics.

Conclusion: Gross findings were more or less similar with results shown in the literatures except 9.4% multiple invasive pattern of the tumor. Different histopathological findings were papillary carcinoma as second common histogical pattern, histologic grade I as common grade, evidence of lymphovascular invasion less common than perineural invasion. In addition atypical ductal hyperplasia was seen associated with papillary carcinoma commonly and desmoplasia with N0 tumor.

Author Biographies

Manjit Kaur Rana, Advanced cancer institute (affiliated with BFUHS, FDK) Bathinda, India

Department of Pathology

M K Mahajan, Advanced cancer Institute Bathinda, India

Department of Radiotherapy


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How to Cite

Rana MK, Mahajan MK. Comprehensive Histopathological Examination and Breast Cancer: An Institutional Analysis. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];7(1):A28-33. Available from:



Original Article