Multicentric Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma of Breast

An Uncommon Histopathological Variant


  • Sunil V Jagtap KIMS University, Karad-415110, Maharashtra, India
  • Garima Agarwal KIMS University, Karad 415110, Maharashtra, India.
  • Swati S Jagtap KIMS University, Karad 415110, Maharashtra, India.



Breast cancer, Lobular carcinoma breast, Alveolar pattern


Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma is a very rare histopathological variant of breast cancer. It constitutes less than 1% of invasive breast carcinoma .We present a 70 year female presented with lump in right breast of 10 months duration. The lump was insidious in onset, progressive in nature and was associated with gradual skin color changes. Patient was a known diabetic and was on regular treatment. On fine needle aspiration cytology showed positive for carcinoma cells. Right modified mastectomy was performed. On histopathology reported as Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma – Grade II with multicentric nodules. Right axillary lymph nodes with perinodal infiltration of tumor were noted.

We are presenting this case for its uncommon type, clinical, histomorphological and immunohistochemistry pattern.

Author Biographies

Sunil V Jagtap, KIMS University, Karad-415110, Maharashtra, India

Department of Pathology

Garima Agarwal, KIMS University, Karad 415110, Maharashtra, India.

Department of Pathology

Swati S Jagtap, KIMS University, Karad 415110, Maharashtra, India.

Department of Physiology


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How to Cite

Jagtap SV, Agarwal G, Jagtap SS. Multicentric Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma of Breast: An Uncommon Histopathological Variant. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(2):C20-22. Available from:



Case Report