Cystoscopic Biopsies of Bladder Neoplasms

A Snippet in Diagnosis


  • Rajeshwari K Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Karibasappa G N DY Dental School
  • N V Dravid ACPM Medical College
  • Ashish Patil ACPM Medical College



Bladder neoplasms, high grade, low grade, urothelial carcinoma


Introduction: Urinary bladder neoplasms constitute an important source of clinical signs and symptoms which are more disabling than lethal. The present study aimed to study the prevalence of bladder neoplasms and to study the clinico-histomorphological features of various bladder neoplasms along with special emphasis on grading and staging of the bladder tumours.

Materials and methods: The present study is a five years retrospective study. All patients who visited to urology outpatient department with lower urinary tract symptoms and obstructive bladder symptoms were subjected to cystoscopy. The detailed clinico-histomorphological features of cystoscopic biopsies are studied using WHO/ISUP 2004 histological grading and TNM staging were used in classifying the bladder tumours.

Results: Out of 239 cystoscopic biopsies, the neoplastic lesions constituted 76.6%   of the cases Among the neoplastic, benign lesions accounted for 12.9% of the cases and malignant lesions accounted for  83 % of the cases. Among the malignant lesions, urothelial carcinoma was the commonest accounting for 75.9% of the cases with increased prevalence of high grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (74.1%) and invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma accounting for 73.75% of the cases.

Conclusions: The present study has stressed the importance of histopathological examination with special emphasis on the study of serial sections and the importance of inclusion of detrusor muscle in the biopsy for accurate grading and staging so as to decrease the morbidity and  mortality and initiate the early management of bladder tumours.

Author Biographies

Rajeshwari K, Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences

Department of Pathology

Karibasappa G N, DY Dental School

Department of Public Health Dentistry

N V Dravid, ACPM Medical College

Department of Pathology

Ashish Patil, ACPM Medical College

Department of Urology


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How to Cite

K R, N KG, Dravid NV, Patil A. Cystoscopic Biopsies of Bladder Neoplasms: A Snippet in Diagnosis. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];6(10):A550-556. Available from:



Original Article