Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Chronic Endometritis by CD138, CD3 and CD20


  • Tarunpreet Kaur Sarpal Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India
  • Ranjeev Bhagat Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India
  • Rajpal Singh Punia Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India
  • Pavithra H N Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India
  • Bharti Goyal Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India
  • Uma Handa Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India



Endometritis, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Immunohistochemistry, Histopathology


Background: Chronic inflammation of endometrium is often clinically silent but may present as abnormal uterine bleeding, dyspareunia, infertility, leucorrhoea and sometimes urinary symptoms. The diagnosis is often rendered on histopathological examination of endometrial biopsy showing chronic inflammatory infiltrate in general and plasma cells in particular. In order to identify scant plasma cells and lymphocytes in the chronic endometritis, immunohistochemistry is increasing being used to confirm the diagnosis.

Aims and objectives: To study the utility of panel of CD3, CD20 and CD 138 in the evaluation of chronic endometritis in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility and correlate the result of immunohistochemistry with routine H & E  staining.

Method and Material: 100 consecutive cases of abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility were taken and histopathological diagnosis was made. IHC with all the three markers were applied in all the cases irrespective of histopathological diagnosis.

Results: A total of 100 cases of endometrial currettings and biopsies were studied who presented with AUB. 17 cases were diagnosed as chronic endometritis purely on histopathology while 8 additional cases were identified with help of immunohistochemistry. Two cases diagnosed on histopathology were negative on immunohistochemistry. Out of all the three markers CD 138 was the most specific while CD 3 was least specific in diagnosing chronic endometritis.

Conclusion: Immunohistochemistry particularly CD 138 is very useful in suspected cases of chronic endometritis particularly in cases where histopathology does not show any evidence of chronic inflammation.

Author Biographies

Tarunpreet Kaur Sarpal, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Pathology Dept

Ranjeev Bhagat, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Pathology Dept

Rajpal Singh Punia, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Pathology Dept

Pavithra H N, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Pathology Dept

Bharti Goyal, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Gyn and Obs Dept

Uma Handa, Govt Medical college & Hospital sec 32 Chandigarh, India

Pathology Dept


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How to Cite

Sarpal TK, Bhagat R, Punia RS, N PH, Goyal B, Handa U. Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Chronic Endometritis by CD138, CD3 and CD20. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];6(8):A402-406. Available from:



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