Aneurysmal Fibrous Histiocytoma:

A Rare Variant


  • Sheethal Shanibi T M Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • Vineetha K V Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • A M Sahabudheen Tely Hospital, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India
  • Vidyadhar Rao Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India



Benign fibrous histiocytoma, Dermatofibroma, Cutaneous Histiocytoma, Aneurysmal Variant


Aneurysmal fibrous histiocytoma (AFH) is a rare variant of benign fibrous histiocytoma. This tumor accounts for less than 2% of all fibrous histiocytomas, 1.7% of all cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma and it is typically known to occur in the extremities of middle-aged patients.

A 23 year old male presented with slow growing, pigmented, nodular lesion on the left leg for the past 2 years. The swelling was initially non-tender, but there was a sudden increase in size associated with pain for the past 2 months. With a clinical suspicion of malignant melanoma an excision biopsy was performed and further evaluated by histopathology. The skin covered pigment lesion measuring 1.5x0.8x0.5cm showed fibrohistiocytic cellular proliferations containing blood filled spaces lacking endothelium on microscopy. Ancillary testing with bleaching, perls prussion blue reaction demonstrated the pigment as hemosiderin. Subsequently the lesion was negative for CD34 and positive for Factor XIIIA. Based on the histomorphology, ancillary testing and IHC, the diagnosis of Aneurysmal fibrous histiocytoma was made.

Aneurysmal fibrous histiocytoma can be a challenging diagnostic entity due to its close clinical resemblance to melanoma and hemngioma. Although the pathogenesis is unclear, it is believed to be caused by extravasation of erythrocytes from capillaries leading to formation of the cystic blood spaces. 

Author Biographies

Sheethal Shanibi T M, Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India

Dept of Pathology

Vineetha K V, Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India

Dept of Pathology

A M Sahabudheen, Tely Hospital, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India

Dept of Pathology

Vidyadhar Rao, Kannur Medical College, Anjarakandy, Kannur, Kerala, India

Dept of Pathology


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How to Cite

T M SS, V VK, Sahabudheen AM, Rao V. Aneurysmal Fibrous Histiocytoma:: A Rare Variant. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];7(3):C38-40. Available from:



Case Report