Incidental Prostate Carcinoma Diagnosed at Radical Cystoprostatectomy for Bladder Carcinoma

A Case Report


  • Sonal Paul Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India
  • Anitha Padmanabhan Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India
  • Nitin M Gadgil Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India



Carcinoma prostate, Cystoprostatectomy, Incidental, Urothelial carcinoma bladder


Introduction: The incidence of concomitant urothelial carcinoma of the bladder and adenocarcinoma of the prostate varies from 17% to 70% as per various literature studies.

Case report: We report the case of 82 year old male who presented with hematuria and lower urinary tract symptoms. A cystoscopy was performed which was suggestive of a 6x4x5cm mass arising from the left anterolateral wall and dome of the bladder. A Transurethral biopsy of the bladder mass showed a high grade papillary urothelial carcinoma invading the muscularis propria. Following this, the patient underwent a radical cystoprostatectomy. Histopathological examination of the bladder mass confirmed High -grade urothelial carcinoma. The entire prostate was sampled which revealed Adenocarcinoma prostate, Gleason score 3+4=7, tumor volume 6cc.

Conclusion: The incidence of incidentally detected prostatic adenocarcinoma in Carcinoma bladder cases is extremely variable. Complete sampling of the prostate helps in detecting these lesions.

Author Biographies

Sonal Paul, Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India

Department of Pathology

Anitha Padmanabhan, Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India

Department of Pathology

Nitin M Gadgil, Lokmanya Tilak Medical college and General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai, India

Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Paul S, Padmanabhan A, Gadgil NM. Incidental Prostate Carcinoma Diagnosed at Radical Cystoprostatectomy for Bladder Carcinoma: A Case Report. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];7(2):C31-34. Available from:



Case Report