Skin Adnexal Tumors: A study of 26 cases


  • Vidya Viswanathan Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Arpana Dharwadkar Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Shruti Vimal Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Parul Bhandari Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Aditi Malhotra Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College
  • Barnali Paul Department of Pathology, Dr D.Y. Patil Medical College



Adnexal tumours, rare histopathological diagnosis


Background: Skin adnexal tumours are a category of rare tumours. They usually present as painless nodules and papules. The diagnosis of these tumours poses a challenge, because there is usually a discrepancy in clinical and histopathological diagnosis.

Aims: To study the skin biopsies received in our department and compare their clinical and histopathological diagnosis.

Material and methods: Prospective study of skin biopsies received in our department over a period of 1 year. The biopsies were processed and stained with haematoxylin and eosin and studied under the light microscope.

Results: Out of the 26 cases studied, 25 were found to be benign tumours with a single case of keratoacanthoma. The most common tumour encountered was pilomatricoma and the least common was syringoma. Only four cases showed clinical correlation with histopathological diagnosis.

Conclusion: It can be therefore concluded that skin adnexal tumours are rare tumours which need histopathological examination for their accurate diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Viswanathan V, Dharwadkar A, Vimal S, Bhandari P, Malhotra A, Paul B. Skin Adnexal Tumors: A study of 26 cases. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(11):A538-544. Available from:



Original Article