Lean Management: Review of Lean Consciousness for the Clinical Laboratory


  • Praveen Prakash Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Arpita Joshi Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Aarzoo Jahan Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Santosh Kumar Sharma Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Shakti Kumar Yadav Department of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Jhajjar, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
  • Ruchika Gupta Division of Cytopathology, ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research
  • Harsh Vardhan Singh Department of Biochemistry, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Namrata Sarin Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi
  • Sompal Singh Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi




Clinical Laboratory, Healthcare, Lean Management


Lean management is a work philosophy of continuous improvement to achieve a smooth work flow by minimizing all kinds of waste including time, cost and manpower. The concept of lean management started as early as 1980’s and was soon adopted by production industry. However, incorporation of this concept in healthcare has been very gradual and hesitant, though lean heath care has immense potential to improve operational performance.

A clinical laboratory, which is essential in practice of evidence-based medicine, can be efficiently managed using lean management concept. Only a few publications in English literature have studied the effect of implementation of lean management in a clinical laboratory. There are certain challenges that a health care manager is likely to face in the implementation of lean management in clinical laboratory especially in developing nations. The present review discusses the implementation of lean management in a clinical laboratory with identification of various steps which require lean thinking.

Author Biography

Sompal Singh, Department of Pathology, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi

Specialist Pathologist, Dept. of Pathology, N.D.M.C. Medical College & Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi


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How to Cite

Prakash P, Joshi A, Jahan A, Sharma SK, Yadav SK, Gupta R, et al. Lean Management: Review of Lean Consciousness for the Clinical Laboratory. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(12):R1-6. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/2934



Review Article