Clinicopathological Analysis of Anterior-Superior Mediastinal Masses


  • Sarah Grace Priyadarshini
  • Ezhilvizhi Alavandar



Mediastinum, Thymoma, Lymphoma


Background: The mediastinum is the space between the two lungs, bounded anteriorly by the sternum and posteriorly by the vertebral column. A spectrum of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions can arise in the mediastinum.

Methods: A total of 14 cases were retrospectively retrieved from the Histopathology department. The cases had histopathological diagnosis either in image guided, thorocoscopic, transbronchial or excision biopsies.

Results: The majority of cases (43% n=6) were of thymic origin, which included both neoplastic lesions of thymoma group and non-neoplastic lesion like thymic cysts. The thymoma group included 3 cases of thymoma B3 and 1 case of thymoma AB. The lymphoid lesions include Hodgkin lymphoma (14.3%; n=2) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (7.1%; n=1). The mesenchymal lesions (21.4%; n=3) included lipoma, solitary fibrous tumor and schwannoma which accounts for one case each. A rare case of ectopic parathyroid adenoma (7.1%; n=1).  and a case of metastatic papillary carcinoma (7.1%; n=1) were also reported.

Conclusion: The diagnosis of mediastinal mass lesions can pose difficulties due to its wide clinicopathologic spectrum to the clinician, radiologists and pathologist. A multimodal approach with histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry can help in arriving at an accurate diagnosis.

Author Biographies

Sarah Grace Priyadarshini

Histopathology Department, Vijaya Hospital, Chennai

Ezhilvizhi Alavandar

Histopathology Department, Vijaya Hospital, Chennai


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How to Cite

Priyadarshini SG, Alavandar E. Clinicopathological Analysis of Anterior-Superior Mediastinal Masses. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2021 May 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];8(5):A131-135. Available from:



Original Article