Myoid Hamartoma of Breast - A Rare Mesenchymal Lesion


  • Elizabeth Joseph
  • Dahlia Joseph
  • Blessy Mary Thomas
  • Jaison Verghese Joy



Hamartoma, breast, myoid hamartoma, smooth muscle


Hamartoma is a local malformation resulting from faulty development in an organ. It was first described in breast in 1971 by Arrigoni et al and its occurrence in breast is very rare. This tumor is composed of breast lobules admixed with fibrous tissue and fibroadipose tissue.  Myoid hamartoma, also called as muscular hamartoma , is composed of smooth muscle cells in addition to ducts, lobules, and stroma. Here, we report a case of myoid hamartoma which occurred in a 53year old lady with a lump in the right breast.

Author Biographies

Elizabeth Joseph

Dept of Pathology, Believer’s Church Medical College Hospital

Dahlia Joseph

Dept of Pathology, Believer’s Church Medical College Hospital

Blessy Mary Thomas

Dept of Pathology, Believer’s Church Medical College Hospital

Jaison Verghese Joy

Dept of Surgery, Believer’s Church Medical College Hospital


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How to Cite

Joseph E, Joseph D, Thomas BM, Joy JV. Myoid Hamartoma of Breast - A Rare Mesenchymal Lesion. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2021 May 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];8(5):C92-94. Available from:



Case Report