Endometriosis : A Rare Etiology for Small Bowel Obstruction


  • Arpita Sutradhar Department of Pathology, Apollo Multispeciality Hospital
  • Supriyo Ghatak Division of Liver Transplant and GI surgery, Apollo Multipseciality Hospital
  • Sumit Gulati Division of Liver Transplant and GI surgery,Apollo Multipseciality Hospital
  • Ramdip Roy Division of Liver Transplant and GI surgery,Apollo Multipseciality Hospital
  • Amarnath Basu Division of Liver Transplant and GI surgery,Apollo Multipseciality Hospital
  • Arnab Basak Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Apollo Multispeciality Hospital




Endometriosis, Ileum, obstruction


Endometriosis affecting gastrointestinal tract has been reported in 3-37% of menstruating women. It is seen in the recto-sigmoid, caecum, small bowel and the appendix in decreasing frequency. Involvement of the ileum by endometriosis is quite rare ,1-7% cases have been documented..Endometriosis of ileal segment of gastrointestinal tract leading to intestinal obstruction ranges from 7% to 23%.We report a 40 year. old female who presented with  complete intestinal obstruction ten days with history of  recurrent subacute intestinal obstruction for one year. She was previously treated with empirical Antitubercular drug to which  she did not respond. Now histology of the resected specimen showed endometriosis in muscular propria and submucosa , leading to fibrosis and stricture formation.


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How to Cite

Sutradhar A, Ghatak S, Gulati S, Roy R, Basu A, Basak A. Endometriosis : A Rare Etiology for Small Bowel Obstruction. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(2):C3-5. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/3196



Case Report