Myeloid Sarcoma presenting as orbital mass: a diagnostic challenge


  • Supriyo Roy Chaudhury Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal
  • Bhawna Bhutoria Jain Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal
  • Chetan Jain Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal
  • Sarbani Chattopadhyay Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal


Orbit, Myeloid Sarcoma, Cytology, Histology, Immunohistochemistry


Myeloid sarcomas (MS) are extramedullary myeloid neoplasm and can present as solitary tumor without bone marrow and blood involvement.The rarity of the condition, its atypical presentation & difficulty to diagnose it in routine histopathological sections pose a diagnostic challenge to both pathologists and clinicians which prompted us to present this case.

A case of myeloid sarcoma occurring as orbital mass in a 60 year old is presented here. The finding as seen on a cytological smear, histological features and immunohistochemistry is discussed.

Strong clinical suspicion is prerequisite. The pathologist should examine the slide carefully so that the diagnosis is not missed. Presence of eosinophilic myelocyte provides a diagnostic clue.

Author Biographies

Supriyo Roy Chaudhury, Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal

Department Of Pathology

Assistant Professor

Bhawna Bhutoria Jain, Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal

Department Of Pathology

Associate Professor

Chetan Jain, Medical College, Kolkata. West Bengal

Department Of Pathology

Post Graduate Trainee

Sarbani Chattopadhyay, Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal

Department of Pathology

Professor and Head


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How to Cite

Chaudhury SR, Jain BB, Jain C, Chattopadhyay S. Myeloid Sarcoma presenting as orbital mass: a diagnostic challenge. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Jul. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];1(1):32-6. Available from:



Case Report