Frequency of Immunofluorescence Antinuclear Antibody Patterns: In A Local Population from North India


  • Rani Deepak Microbiology & Serology Section, City Xray & Scan Clinic Pvt. Ltd.,Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, India
  • Charu Agrawal Microbiology & Serology Section, City Xray & Scan Clinic Pvt. Ltd.,Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, India
  • Sunita Kapoor Microbiology & Serology Section, City Xray & Scan Clinic Pvt. Ltd.,Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, India
  • Ritesh Kanotra Department of Internal medicine, Banner Baywood Medical Center, Mesa, AZ, United States



ANA, Autoimmune disorders, ANA patterns, IIF, ANA titer, ANA mixed patterns, Speckled, Homogenous



Autoimmune disorders in India have seen rise in recent times. The first-line test in diagnostic workup of autoimmune disorders is ANA indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF). A positive Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) result in conjunction with clinical findings aids in predicting the diagnosis. ANA test is not widely available in India, probably due to the cost and requirement of technical expertise. In view of rising incidence of autoimmune disorders in India and due to scarcity of data, this study aimed at determining prevalence of ANA positivity, study ANA patterns and their frequency and estimate disease burden in patients among local population of Northern India.


The study was performed on 2000 suspected autoimmune disorder patients during a period of 01 year (January 2023 till January 2024). Assessment of ANA patterns and titres were carried out by ANA-IIF technique.


Of the 2000 participants, 30.8% were found to be ANA-positive. Nuclear speckled pattern was observed to be the most common, among others.  Among mixed ANA patterns, mix of speckled and homogenous patterns were common. Females showed predominance over males in all age groups in ratio of 3:1.


The study is a preliminary, retrospective study providing overview of ANA positivity and autoimmunity status in Northern India, where despite the heavy disease burden, data is still scarce. Further studies in Indian population are essential to determine relationship of ANA with various etiologic and biochemical factors and association between ANA patterns and specific antibodies in serum for diagnosis of specific autoimmune diseases.


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How to Cite

Deepak R, Agrawal C, Kapoor S, Kanotra R. Frequency of Immunofluorescence Antinuclear Antibody Patterns: In A Local Population from North India. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(3):A10-16. Available from:



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