Muscular and Vascular Fallopian Tube Morphology in Ectopic Tubal Pregnancy


  • Seema Baxi Department of Pathology, Pathology, Govt Medical college, Bhavnagar
  • Mitesh Koyani Department of Pathology, Pathology, Govt Medical college, Bhavnagar
  • Md Hashmi Sabugar Department of Pathology, Pathology, Govt Medical college, Bhavnagar
  • Dhwani Pandya Department of Pathology, Pathology, Govt Medical college, Bhavnagar



atherosis, chronic salpingitis, ectopic tubal pregnancy, grotesque vessels, salpingitis isthmica nodosa, tubal muscle splaying, vascular muscle splaying




Although literature is full of articles on histopathological changes in fallopian tube in ectopic pregnancy and the predisposing conditions associated with ectopic pregnancy, none have mentioned or reported abnormal muscle and vascular architecture of the tube. The study was undertaken to find the percentage of different sites of ectopic pregnancies coming to the institute for treatment and to calculate the proportion of various morphological risk factors which could have led to the ectopic pregnancy and to discern the various histopathological changes in cases of ectopic tubal pregnancies.


A retrospective study was conducted on all the cases of ectopic pregnancies in the year of 2021 and 2022. For comparison of morphological changes equal number of tubes received for tubal ligation were assessed as they served age matching purpose. Hematoxylin & eosin-stained slides were retrieved and re-examined for the histological patterns.


92% of the ectopic pregnancies were tubal pregnancies. Amongst predisposing factors of tubal pregnancies detected morphologically, chronic salpingitis was seen in 71.5% of cases while Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa (SIN) was seen in 26.1% of cases.


Abnormal morphological findings like tubal muscle splaying, arterial wall thickening leading to grotesque shapes, clear changes in different layers of tunica of blood vessel with or without concentric muscle splaying were seen in tubal ectopic pregnancies in significant numbers of cases.


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How to Cite

Baxi S, Koyani M, Sabugar MH, Pandya D. Muscular and Vascular Fallopian Tube Morphology in Ectopic Tubal Pregnancy. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];11(4):A42-50. Available from:



Original Article