Concurrent Benign Brenner Tumor and Mucinous Cystadenoma of an Ovary in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Report


  • Samrita Samaddar Department of Pathology, V.N. Desai Municipal General Hospital, Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Abhijit Gajendra Bhanji Department of Pathology, V.N. Desai Municipal General Hospital, Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Vivek Sreekumaran Nair Department of Pathology, V.N. Desai Municipal General Hospital, Santacruz East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Mucinous cystadenoma, Brenner tumor, epithelial tumor, ovarian tumors


Ovarian cancer is the most fatal gynecologic malignancy. The surface epithelial tumor is the most common type of ovarian cancer. Among these, mucinous tumors account for 10-15% of ovarian tumors. Surgical pathologists find that mucinous ovarian tumors are among the most challenging ovarian neoplasms to interpret. Sometimes, other types of surface epithelial cancers coexist with mucinous tumors. Because of this, it's critical to diagnose mucinous tumors accurately. On the other hand, the association of Brenner tumors with other neoplasms is rare. Ovarian Brenner tumor has always been discussed by pathologists as an enigmatic tumor because of its rarity and disputed histogenesis. Here, we report a rare case of mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary with a Brenner component in a 68-year-old postmenopausal woman.


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How to Cite

Samaddar S, Bhanji AG, Nair VS. Concurrent Benign Brenner Tumor and Mucinous Cystadenoma of an Ovary in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Report. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];11(7):C76-82. Available from:



Case Report