Primary biphasic synovial sarcoma of left parapharyngeal region: an exceedingly rare site


  • Krupal Pujara P.D.U.Medical College, Rajkot
  • Sfoorti Goswami
  • Rohit Bhalara
  • Jagdish Dalsania
  • Gauravi Dhruva
  • Bharti Jha


Primary Synovial Sarcoma, Head and neck lesion, Parapharyngeal tumor,


Primary synovial sarcoma is an unusual tumor of the head and neck region and again primary parapharyngeal synovial sarcoma is a rare tumor entity. In our case a male patient, aged 27 years, presented with feeling of swelling and discomfort in the left parapharyngeal region. CT findings suggestive of soft tissue mass in prestylar region on left side. A transcervical excision of the tumor was performed and histopathological examination of H & E stained sections show biphasic tumor composed of epithelial and spindle cells components. The epithelial areas show glandular structure lined by cuboidal cells while spindle cells areas show densely cellular fascicles surroundings the epithelial cells. Immunohistochemistry shows strong positivity of cytokeratin, vimentin and weak positivity of S-100, BCl2, CD99 and SMA. Synovial sarcoma may be mistaken for other tumors due to its rarity. Treatment is essentially surgical, requiring wide margins; radiotherapy is usually associated. The value of chemotherapy has yet to be assessed.


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How to Cite

Pujara K, Goswami S, Bhalara R, Dalsania J, Dhruva G, Jha B. Primary biphasic synovial sarcoma of left parapharyngeal region: an exceedingly rare site. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];1(2):C22-C25. Available from:



Case Report