Actinomycosis of the ankle joint


  • Sunitha Ramachandra Armed forces hospital, muscat oman
  • Sarah Kuruvila armed forces hospital,muscat oman
  • John CK armed forces hospital, muscat


Actinomycosis, Ankle Joint, Chronic Synovial Ä°nfection, Cotrimoxazole, Rifampicin


We report a case of actinomycosis of the ankle joint with synovial involvement which resisted the usual treatment. Actinomycotic infection of the extremities involving the bone and joints is rare. After the initial diagnosis, our case was treated with ampicillin for six months with no benefit. Instead the condition worsened with the development of tiny pockets of fluid collections within the soft tissue and increased inflammation. Surgical debridement was done to drain the fluid collections and the patient was treated with combined regimen of Cotrimoxazole and Rifampicin with good response clinically and radiologically. Timely intervention and the correct diagnosis saved the limb.

Author Biographies

Sunitha Ramachandra, Armed forces hospital, muscat oman

Department of pathology, Specialist

Sarah Kuruvila, armed forces hospital,muscat oman

pathology, senior specialist

John CK, armed forces hospital, muscat

dermatology, consultant


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How to Cite

Ramachandra S, Kuruvila S, CK J. Actinomycosis of the ankle joint. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Jul. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];1(1):37-40. Available from:



Case Report