Fetus Papyraceus: a rare case report


  • Smita Surendra Masamatti Assistant professor , Sapthagiri Medical college and research centre, BANGALORE,INDIA
  • Nayan Anant Ramteerthakar Associate professor, Government medical college, Miraj, Maharashtra
  • Amit Bapuso Pandav Assistant professor, Government medical college, Miraj, Maharashtra
  • Alka Vikas Gosavi Associate professor, Government medical college, Miraj, Maharashtra


Fetus Papyraceus, Multiple Pregnancies, Intrauterine Death


Fetus papyraceus (FP) also called fetus compressus is a mummified and compressed fetus as a result of fetal death during multiple pregnancy.  Fetus papyraceus is a rare condition and is associated with obstetric complications. Sonography is a visual tool to confirm the diagnosis, but it is not always possible due to anatomical position and technical difficulties. FP is usually discovered among the placenta and membranes of its well developed twin. Searching for a fetus papyraceus should be a routine part of placental examination.  


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How to Cite

Masamatti SS, Ramteerthakar NA, Pandav AB, Gosavi AV. Fetus Papyraceus: a rare case report. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Jan. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];2(1):C28-C30. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/89



Case Report