Correlation Of Ki67 with ER, PR, Her2neu and other Prognostic Factors In Breast Carcinoma.


  • Menka Khanna SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Punjab
  • Manisha Sharma
  • Mridu Manjari
  • Kiranjot Kaur
  • Saumil Garg
  • Saloni Goyal


Breast Cancer, Immunohistochemistry, Ki67, ER, PR, Her2neu


Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy occurring in females, accounting for 23% of all malignant tumors.1 Various predictive and prognostic factors affect tumor progression. In addition to estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor (Her2neu) overexpression, recently Ki67, a proliferative marker has been recognised as an important predictive and prognostic marker in many studies. The aim of the present study is to find the correlation of Ki67 proliferation index with ER PR and Her2neu status and with other clinicopathological parameters.

Methods: The study was conducted on 70 cases of breast cancer received as mastectomy or lumpectomy specimens. The histopathological grading of the breast carcinoma was done according to the Nottingham modification of the Bloom Richardson grading system. IHC was performed by using antibodies against the estrogen receptors (ER), the progesterone receptors (PR), Her2neu and Ki67. An attempt was made to find a correlation between ER, PR, Her2neu and Ki67 expression with the various clinicopathological parameters.

Result: ER PR expression was seen to be decreased with increase in Ki67 positivity. Ki67 proliferation index when correlated with the various clinicopathological parameters (grade, lymph node metastasis and size of tumor) it was concluded that as the Ki67 positivity increased the prognosis became poorer.

Conclusion: It was concluded that Ki67 can be considered as a new prognostic marker in addition to ER PR and Her2neu and is associated with a poor prognosis.


Author Biography

Menka Khanna, SGRDIMSAR, Amritsar, Punjab

Associate Professor, Department Of Pathology


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How to Cite

Khanna M, Sharma M, Manjari M, Kaur K, Garg S, Goyal S. Correlation Of Ki67 with ER, PR, Her2neu and other Prognostic Factors In Breast Carcinoma. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(6):A539-544. Available from:



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