Study of Platelet Indices in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Its Correlation With Vascular Complications


  • Sushma K L JSS medical college, Mysore, India
  • Rangaswamy M JSS medical college, Mysore, India


Diabetes Mellitus, Platelet Indices, Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet Distribution Width, Platelet Large Cell Ratio


BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia resulting in macrovascular and microvascular complications. Altered platelet morphology and functions have been linked with the pathological processes and high risk of vascular disease.Platelet indices (Mean platelet volume-MPV, Platelet distribution width-PDW and Platelet large cell ratio-PLCR) are determinants of platelet functionality.

METHODS: The aim of this study was to study the platelet indices (MPV, PDW, P-LCR) in type - 2 diabetic patients with vascular complications and compare them in diabetic patients without vascular complications. The present study was conducted on 70 diabetic patients with vascular complications and 70 diabetic patients without vascular complications for a period of one year and eight months in department of pathology, JSShospital, Mysore. Patients were divided into cases and controls depending on the presence or absence of macrovascular complications (Myocardial infarction , stroke, peripheral arterial disease) and microvascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy).

Platelet indices (MPV, PDW, P-LCR) were measured using an Automated Blood Counter. FBS and HbA1C levels were collected from the clinical proforma.

RESULT: Platelet indices were significantly higher in diabetic patients with vascular complications compared to those without complications [11.37±1.19 fL vs 10.17±0.71 fL (P=0.0001), 13.90±2.99 fL vs 11.28±1.55 fL (P=0.0001), 35.61±9.35% vs 26.14±5.79% (P=0.0001) respectively].

CONCLUSION: The present study showed a significantly higher MPV, PDW and P-LCR in diabetic patients with vascular complications compared to those without complications. This indicates that elevated platelet indices could be the cause for vascular complications. Hence MPV, PDW, P-LCR can be used as simple and cost effective predictive parameters of platelet activation to monitor and predict the risk of vascular complications.


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1297

Author Biography

Sushma K L, JSS medical college, Mysore, India

Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

L SK, M R. Study of Platelet Indices in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Its Correlation With Vascular Complications. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4(5):A591-598. Available from:



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