Histopathological Spectrum of Non-Neoplastic Uterine Cervical Lesions in a Tertiary Care Centre


  • Priyadarshini D Shridevi Institute of medical sciences and research Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences
  • Arathi C. A


Non-neoplastic, Cervicitis, Endocervix, Histopathology, Hyperplasia


Background: Uterine cervix in our routine hysterectomies and biopsies from gynecological specimens constitutes major portal for nonneoplastic lesions. Routine histopathological study of suspicious cases enhances early detection of these uterine cervical lesions.

Methods: 250 cases of uterine cervical non-neoplastic lesions were evaluated either from hysterectomy or cervical biopsy specimens. The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the frequency and histomorphological patterns of non-neoplastic cervical lesions at the tertiary care center and to study various metaplasias of the endocervical epithelium.  The cervical lesions were subjected to detailed gross and microscopic examination and further classified into various non-neoplastic lesions

Result: Our study showed that 48 % of cases featured chronic nonspecific cervicitis. The commonest encountered endocervical epithelial lesions were chronic polypoidal endocervicitis (20%) and squamous metaplasia (36%) and the uncommon lesions included micro glandular adenosis (3.2%), endocervical glandular hyperplasia (4%), diffuse laminar endocervical glandular hyperplasia(0.8%) tunnel clusters (0.4%) and mesonephric rests (0.4%). A majority of the ectocervical lesions includes Koilocytic changes, exocytosis, Suprabasal bulla and prolapse changes like hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis.


Conclusion: In the present study we emphasized mainly about nonneoplastic uterine cervical lesions among which Chronic non-specific cervicitis is the most confronted lesion in histopathological specimens. However, there are many lesions that appear to be exuberant and can be misdiagnosed to be malignant. On the basis of this, a detailed histomorphological study of the nonneoplastic lesions of the cervix was taken up and further categorized into various lesions which can cause serious morbidities and detailed histopathological study is considered as the gold standard. 


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1405

Author Biography

Priyadarshini D, Shridevi Institute of medical sciences and research Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences

Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

D P, C. A A. Histopathological Spectrum of Non-Neoplastic Uterine Cervical Lesions in a Tertiary Care Centre. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Jul. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(3):A303-309. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/apalm1405



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