Multiple Tuberous Xanthomas: A Diagnostic Dilemma on Cytology


  • Richa Bhartiya Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India
  • Pallavi Agrawal Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India
  • Rajnish Kumar Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India
  • Rajendra Prasad Dwivedi Department of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Betiah (Paschim Champaran), Bihar, India


Xanthoma, FNAC, Hyperlipoproteinemias, Cytology.


Tuberous xanthomas are large nodular lesions that develop in patients with underlying hyperlipoproteinemias. A patient was referred to us for fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) from multiple lesions over extensor aspect of upper and lower limbs, which yielded scanty aspirate despite several attempts. This case is being reported to emphasize how such lesions can present as diagnostic challenge on cytology, the role of which has not clearly been described in the previous case reports.


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1406



Author Biographies

Richa Bhartiya, Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India

Associate Professor,
Dept. of Pathology,
Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH),
Ashok Rajpath,

Pallavi Agrawal, Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India

Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Pathology,
Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH),
Ashok Rajpath,
PIN - 800004

Rajnish Kumar, Dept. of Pathology, Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH), Ashok Rajpath,Patna Bihar India

PG (MD) Student,
Dept. of Pathology,
Patna Medical College & Hospital (PMCH),
Ashok Rajpath,
PIN - 800004

Rajendra Prasad Dwivedi, Department of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Betiah (Paschim Champaran), Bihar, India

Professor & Head,
Department of Pathology,
Govt. Medical College,
Betiah (Paschim Champaran), Bihar, India
PIN - 845438


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How to Cite

Bhartiya R, Agrawal P, Kumar R, Dwivedi RP. Multiple Tuberous Xanthomas: A Diagnostic Dilemma on Cytology. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(6):C169-172. Available from:



Case Report