Histomorphological Study Of Ovarian Tumors: At A Tertiary Care Centre


  • Rashmi K Patil Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
  • Bhumika Jeevanraj Bhandari Belagavi institute of medical sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka
  • Shreekant K Kittur Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
  • Rekha M Haravi Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
  • Aruna S Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
  • Meena N Jadhav Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India


Ovarian tumors, Surface epithelial, Serous cystadenoma, Endometroid.


Background: Ovarian tumors account for about 30% of female genital tract tumors and is fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in females. This study was conducted to evaluate the frequency and distribution of histological types of ovarian tumors.  

Methods: This was a retrospective seven years observational study based on histomorphological evaluation of 151 ovarian tumours received in department of pathology. Statistical analysis was done and chi-square test was used to see the association.

Results: Out of 151 cases, 149 were primary ovarian tumors and two were metastatic tumors to ovary. There were 124 benign tumors, one was borderline and 26 were malignant. Most common age group affected was 31 to 45 years. Benign tumors were common in 16 to 30 years age group, whereas malignant tumors in 46-60 years. For all age group, benign tumors were more common than malignant tumors.

Surface epithelial tumors (72.2%) were the most common followed by germ cell tumors (19.9%) and then sex cord stromal tumors (6.6%). Serous cystadenoma (41.93%) was the most common benign tumor followed by mucinous cystadenoma (32.25%). Serous cystadenocarcinoma (38.46%) was the most common malignant tumor. Most common germ cell tumor was mature cystic teratoma (73.3%) and granulosa cell tumor (50%) was the most common sex cord stromal tumor.

Conclusion: Diagnosis of neoplastic ovarian lesions requires correlation between clinical, gross and microscopy features as the morphologic diversity of ovarian tumors poses many challenges. In difficult cases, immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnosis may be often required.

Author Biographies

Rashmi K Patil, Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Associate professor, Department of Pathology

Bhumika Jeevanraj Bhandari, Belagavi institute of medical sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka

Post graduate, Department of Pathology

Shreekant K Kittur, Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Professor and head, department of pathology

Rekha M Haravi, Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Associate professor, Department of Pathology

Aruna S, Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Associate professor, Department of Pathology

Meena N Jadhav, Belagavi Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

Associate professor, Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Patil RK, Bhandari BJ, Kittur SK, Haravi RM, S A, Jadhav MN. Histomorphological Study Of Ovarian Tumors: At A Tertiary Care Centre. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4(6):A638-645. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/apalm1412



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