ABO Blood groups and Malaria: Does it really matter?


  • Chandrika Rao Department of Pathology K S Hegde Medical Academy Deralakatte, Mangalore


malarial parasites, ABO blood group, malaria, parasite load


Background: Malaria is most important parasitic disease affecting humans. The literature relating to malaria and the blood groups are sparse and have mixed response.

Objectives: The study was undertaken to assess the distribution of ABO blood group and their relationship with malaria species and parasite load.

Methods: In 200 malaria positive patients blood group analysis was done. Malaria parasite detection and load estimation was done using quantitative buffy coat (QBC) methodology using a fluorescent microscopy. ABO blood group was determined by agglutination test using antisera.

Results: A total of 200 were included in the study of which 121 cases were positive for plasmodium vivax, 32 cases were positive for plasmodium falciparum and 47 patients had mixed infection. The results of blood groups showed, 63 malaria infected patients with A blood group, 50 with B blood group, 80 with O blood group and 7 with AB blood group. Maximum parasite load was noted in blood group O, followed by group A and B. The most common blood group infected with plasmodium vivax is blood group O, similarly with 3+and 4+ parasite load is blood group O.

Conclusion: This study suggests significantly higher proportion of O blood group malaria patients infected with plasmodium vivax with higher parasite load.


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How to Cite

Rao C. ABO Blood groups and Malaria: Does it really matter?. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(6):A651-655. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/apalm1440



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