Role of CD-10 as a stromal marker in prognosis of Breast cancer and correlation with axillary lymph nodes positivity.


  • Surekha Sharma Department of Pathology Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Indore (M.P)-India
  • Ankit Sharma Department of Medicine, Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Indore (M.P) -India
  • S.K. Nema Department of Pathology Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Indore (M.P) -India
  • Sanjeev Narang Department of Pathology Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Indore (M.P) -India


Breast carcinoma, CD-10, IDC(Infiltrating ductal carcinoma), axillary lymph nodes, stromal cells.


Background:Breast carcinoma is the most common non-skin malignancy in women. In India, cancer of the breast is the most common cancer among women in many regions and has over taken cervix cancer, which was the most frequent cancer a decade ago .CD10 is a 90-110kd cell surface zinc-dependent metalloproteinase. Since CD10 is structurally similar to matrix metalloproteinase and stromelysin, it might facilitate cancer cell invasion and/or metastasis. The aim of this study is to highlight the role of CD 10,a stromal ,marker present in case of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast, in prognostication of IDC and also shows incidence of CD 10 positivity with lymph node metastasis..

Methods: By using DAKO kit, immunohistochemistry for CD 10 as a marker was performed on the slides prepared from these blocks.

Result: We present a original study of 50 histologically proven cases of breast carcinoma, comprising of  47 (94%) as IDC, 02(4%) as Lobular carcinoma and 01 (2%) as papillary carcinoma. Out of 40 CD 10 positive cases of IDC,38 (88%) were showing lymph node metastasis.

Conclusion:It has been postulated that CD10 induced by cancer cells through soluble factor, similar to other member of metalloproteinase family.CD 10 positive stromal cells also detected in metastatic lymph node of infiltrating ductal carcinoma and significantly exhibit more nodal involvement.



Author Biography

Surekha Sharma, Department of Pathology Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Indore (M.P)-India

Resident,Department of Pathology,Index Medical college,hospital and research centre,indore


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How to Cite

Sharma S, Sharma A, Nema S, Narang S. Role of CD-10 as a stromal marker in prognosis of Breast cancer and correlation with axillary lymph nodes positivity. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];5(2):A108-112. Available from:



Original Article