Impact of histopathological examination of appendix in context to clinical management of patients


  • Mandakini M Patel Govt. Medical College,Surat Veer Narmad South Gujarat University state-gujarat,India
  • Rhuta J Shah Govt. Medical College,Surat Veer Narmad South Gujarat University state-gujarat,India


appendicitis, unusual findings, value


Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the common conditions requiring emergency surgery. In routine practice , appendix is sent for histolopathological  examination only when the operative  findings are inconclusive. In view of this trend  in clinical practice this study was carried out to assess the value of routine histopathological examination of surgically resected appendices, to review  spectrum of  histopathological diagnosis of  appendectomy done  at our institute over a 22 months period, some of which would further have effect on patient management and prognosis.

Methods: A retrospective study was done including  appendicectomy specimens received at histopathology section of  Department of Pathology at Tertiary care centre in South Gujarat  during January 2015 till October 2016 .

Result: Total 400 cases were reviewed . Out of these, clinically suspected appendicitis was found in 365 (91.3 %) cases including spectrum of appendicitis (acute, subacute, chronic, ulcerative, suppurative, necrotizing, gangrenous, acute with periappendicits,acute on chronic)  . Unusual unexpected findings were found in 20 (5 %) cases[tuberculosis, amoebiasis, faecolith, congestion with sickle RBCs,  mucocele and neoplastic lesions  including carcinoid, adenocarcinoma, mucinous cystadenoma(low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm)].

Conclusion: Though majority of cases had the usual features, 20 of these 400 specimen (5 %) had an impact on patient management or outcome. They were not suspected on macroscopic examination at the time of surgery and would have been missed had the specimens not been examined microscopically. Intraoperative diagnosis of surgeon is therefore unreliable in detecting abnormalities of appendix. This study supports the sending of all appendicectomy specimens for routine histopathological examination.




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How to Cite

Patel MM, Shah RJ. Impact of histopathological examination of appendix in context to clinical management of patients. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];4(6):A699-704. Available from:



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