Various treatment responses in Imatinib treated CML patients with emphasis on marrow profile: a descriptive study in a tertiary care centre in South India


  • Mathumithra T JIPMER Puducherry
  • Debdatta Basu JIPMER, Puducherry, India
  • Rakhee Kar JIPMER,Puducherry, India


hematological and cytogenetic response, marrow response


Background: CML is a clonal stem cell neoplasm characterised by reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22.Imatinib is used in its treatment which induces hematological, cytogenetic and molecular response. Yet, marrow response is less well defined than hematological and cytogenetic response (HR and CR). Hence our aims were

1.To study the hematologic response in CML patients after 3 months of Imatinib

2.To study the cytogenetic response in CML patients after 6 months of Imatinib.

 3.To study and categorize morphological changes in marrow at the end of three months of treatment.

 Materials and methods: Forty six newly diagnosed patients of CML (BCR-ABL positive), irrespective of phase, were included. HR and CR was evaluated at the end of three months and six months of Imatinib therapy, respectively. A bone marrow aspirate and biopsy was performed at the end of three months, marrow responses were classified and parameters were analysed.

Results: Of 46 patients, 91.3% of patients attained complete hematological response.30/46 patients had a follow up FISH analysis at 6 months, of whom 70% attained complete cytogenetic response(table/figure 3). Twenty nine (64.5%) of the post treatment aspirates were diluted and imprints/biopsy yielded information. Twenty eight (63%) patients showed marrow normalization, eleven (23%) persistence of disease, four (8%) progression of disease to blast crisis (BC) and three (6.5%) hypo cellular marrow.

Conclusion: Post therapy BM in CML, when undertaken should have biopsy rather than an aspirate alone, as aspirates are often diluted and biopsy may yield useful information like impending blast crisis.

DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1514

Author Biography

Mathumithra T, JIPMER Puducherry

working as an assistant professor in department of patholoy, Mahatma Gandhi medical college and research institute, puducherry


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How to Cite

T M, Basu D, Kar R. Various treatment responses in Imatinib treated CML patients with emphasis on marrow profile: a descriptive study in a tertiary care centre in South India. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(1):A1-7. Available from:



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