Efficacy of Pulse Co-oximeter in Hemoglobin Estimation: A non invasive method

  • Jayalaxmi Yadav Kallur Vijayanagara Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ballari, Karnataka, India
  • Bharat C Vijayanagara Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ballari, Karnataka, India
  • Shridevi SH Vijayanagara Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ballari, Karnataka, India
  • Uday Shankar Blood bank, District Hospital, Vijayanagar Institute Of Medical Sciences Ballari, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Pulse Co-oximeter, Non invasive method, Bland Altmann Analysis


 Background: Total Hemoglobin(Hb) measurement is one of the most common and important parameter that is investigated in the laboratory.This non invasive method allows pain free continuous online patient monitoring with minimum risk of infection and facilitates real time data monitoring allowing immediate clinical reaction to the measured data. The objective of the study is to test the efficacy of pulse co-oximeter .Methods: Present study is a prospective descriptive study. A total of 261 patients enrolled for the study after their consent. Non invasively measured SpHb values and invasively measured  Hb values were then compared by using Bland Altman statistical analysis . Result: Pulse co-oximeter  recorded/displayed  SpHb in 90.8% patients and did not display SpHb in 9.2% of patients. Out of which 73-75% patients Hb showed variation of less than or equal to 2gms and 20-24% patients Hb showed variation of more than 2 gms. On Bland Altmann comparative analysis of SpHb and Hb revealed  bias and limits of agreement was 0.2+3.3gm/d and  95% of the measurements fell within two  standard deviation of the mean difference and P value < 0.001 represents good correlation between SpHb and Hb of  Lab1 and Lab 2.Conclusion: Pulse co-oximeter can be used as a screening tool for Hb measurement at out patient departments, blood camps, casuality, ICU and  labor rooms. It determines Hb instantly and non invasively. Further studies are needed to determine financial aspects and needs upgradation  in terms of accuracy of the instrumentDOI:10.21276/APALM.1558 

Author Biography

Jayalaxmi Yadav Kallur, Vijayanagara Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ballari, Karnataka, India
Department of pathology


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