Critical Analysis Of Bone Marrow Studies - A 5 Year Experience


  • Jerusha Samuela Jacob Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India
  • Febe Renjitha Suman Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India
  • Sai Shalini C.N Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India
  • Rithika Rajendran Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India
  • Ravi Teja J Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India
  • Jesu Magdalene S Department of Pathology,Sri Ramachandra Medical College &Research Institute,Chennai,Tamilnadu,India


Bone marrow studies, bone marrow aspirate, bone marrow biopsy, trephine biopsy


Introduction:Bone marrow Aspirate (BMA) and bone marrow trephine biopsy (BMB) are the two diagnostic procedures done to evaluate various hematologic and non-hematologic conditions.Though both the procedures done on the same day are complementary to each other, discrepancies do occur. In few instances aspirate alone is done without a biopsy.This study is aimed to statistically analyze the diagnostic value of both the procedures and the lacuna observed.

Materials and methods:A retrospective laboratory record based analysis was done on the bone marrow investigations reported during a period of 5 years (Jan.2011 – Dec.2015). The bone marrow investigations with simultaneous BMA and BMB done during the period of study were included.  Descriptive statistical analysis was donefor correlation of BMA and BMB diagnosis.

Results:Aspirate and biopsy were done on 934 cases. The diagnostic sensitivity of BMB was 94.74% and BMA was 86.14%.  BMB and BMA were complementary to each other in 53.21% cases.  BMB alone was diagnostic in 33.61% cases and BMA alone was diagnostic in 9.31% cases.  Inadequate material for diagnosis was noted in 8.35% of BMB cases and 27.41% of BMAcases.Good positive correlation was noted in cases of immune thrombocytopenic purpura, multiple myeloma, anemia,reactive marrow and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Conclusion:Though both the procedures were complimentary to each other, inadequate aspirates due to disease conditions and faulty techniques were major drawbacks. It is preferable to perform both the procedures simultaneously for a more conclusive diagnosis.

DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1601


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How to Cite

Jacob JS, Suman FR, C.N SS, Rajendran R, J RT, S JM. Critical Analysis Of Bone Marrow Studies - A 5 Year Experience. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(1):A34-38. Available from:



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