Clinicopathologic analysis of Wilms’ tumor – A retrospective study of 35 cases over 10 years.


  • Ankita Shashikant Shende Seth G. S. Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai -400022, India
  • Pragati Aditya Sathe Seth G. S. Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai -400022, India


Wilms’ tumor, Pediatrics, Triphasic



Background: Wilms’ tumor is the commonest pediatric renal tumor and has a peak incidence between two and five years of age. Clinicopathological staging of Wilms’ tumor is the single most important prognostic determinant and therefore histopathological analysis is important.

Methods: This is a retrospective study of diagnosed cases of Wilms’ tumor received as surgical and autopsy specimens in the department of pathology in a major teaching hospital over a period of ten years. Clinical, biochemical and radiological details were retrieved from medical records. Information regarding routine gross and microscopic examination findings (paraffin sections) was retrieved from departmental records

Result: We received 24 nephrectomies, three post mortem specimens and eight biopsies. Maximum cases were found between two to five years of age with no gender predilection. Most patients presented with abdominal lump. Grossly, majority specimens had a variegated cut surface whereas two cases had a predominantly cystic appearance. Microscopically, 26 cases showed classic triphasic histology. Eight out of 27 cases (nephrectomies and post mortem cases) received preoperative chemotherapy. All cases showed extensive chemotherapeutic response and one case showed post – chemotherapy change mimicking a cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma (CPDN). Of the remaining 19 cases which did not receive chemotherapy, only one case had an unfavorable histology. A rare case of CPDN was reported.

Conclusion: Histopathologist plays an important role in the diagnosis of Wilms tumor. Clinical, radiological and pathological correlation is necessary in the final reporting of these cases.


Author Biographies

Ankita Shashikant Shende, Seth G. S. Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai -400022, India

Department of Pathology, Assistant Professor.

Pragati Aditya Sathe, Seth G. S. Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai -400022, India

Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology


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How to Cite

Shende AS, Sathe PA. Clinicopathologic analysis of Wilms’ tumor – A retrospective study of 35 cases over 10 years. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];5(2):A151-157. Available from:



Original Article