Rapid Cytodiagnosis By Different Staining Techniques In Comparison With Conventional Stains In Thyroid Cytology


  • Veena Raja Department Of Pathology, SRM Medical College and Research Institite, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (India)
  • Chinnaya Subramaniyam Babu Rajendra Prasad Department Of Pathology, Sri Deveraj Urs Medical College (R.L. Jalappa University), Kolar, Karnataka
  • Lavanya Rajagopal Department Of Pathology, SRM Medical College and Research Institite, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai


Toludine blue wet mount, Methylene/Eosin, Rapid cytodiagnosis, Quality index


BACKGROUND:Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a very important component of pre-operative / pre-treatment investigation in combination with clinical, radiological and other laboratory data. In spite of its advances and advantages, conventional FNAC fails to achieve a 100% accuracy. To improve the accuracy of FNAC, a supravital stained Toluidine blue wet mount (TBWM) preparation of the aspirate and Methylene blue/Eosin (M/E) stained smears are studied which will give additional information regarding the lesion on which FNAC is done.

OBJECTIVE:To assess the diagnostic rapidity of the Toluidine blue wet mount preparation and Methylene blue/Eosin stain in FNAC and to compare the morphological features and results obtained from rapid stains with conventional PAP and H&E techniques in FNAC.

METHODS:The study was conducted on Fine needle aspirates from 100 patients presenting with thyroid swelling in R.L Jalappa hospital attached to Sri DevarajUrs Medical College, Kolar, Karnataka. TBWM, M/E stain, H&E stain and Pap stain was done for all 100 cases. Time taken for each stain is assessed and the morphology of rapid stains were compared with the conventional stain. Quality index was calculated for all the stains.

RESULTS:The rapidity of the stains was assessed for all four stains. Toluidine blue wet mount takes only 2 minutes for staining followed by Methylene blue/eosin which takes 5 minutes. M/E stain gave the same result as compared to the conventional stains [PAP and H&E]. In TBWM there was difficulty in diagnosing few cases due to three dimensional clusters. The sensitivity and specificity of TBWM were 66% and 90% whereas for M/E stain 98% and 100%. The quality index of PAP stain, H&E stain, M/E stain and TBWM were 0.85, 0.81, 0.71, 0.660.66.

CONCLUSION:Thus, both stains can be routinely undertaken as a supplementary procedure for conventional stains to improve the cellularity and to reduce the time taken for re-sampling.

DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1621

Author Biographies

Veena Raja, Department Of Pathology, SRM Medical College and Research Institite, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (India)

Assisstant Professor,

Department of Pathology,

SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre,


Chinnaya Subramaniyam Babu Rajendra Prasad, Department Of Pathology, Sri Deveraj Urs Medical College (R.L. Jalappa University), Kolar, Karnataka

Professor & HOD,

Department Of Pathology,

Sri Deveraj Urs Medical College

R.L. Jalappa University,



Lavanya Rajagopal, Department Of Pathology, SRM Medical College and Research Institite, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai

Assisstant Professor,

Department of Pathology,

SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre,



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How to Cite

Raja V, Babu Rajendra Prasad CS, Rajagopal L. Rapid Cytodiagnosis By Different Staining Techniques In Comparison With Conventional Stains In Thyroid Cytology. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4(6):A761-767. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/apalm1621



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