Analysis of distribution and patterns of ovarian lesions at a tertiary care hospital.


  • Puja Jarwani
  • Sneha Samir Babaria GCSMC, Hospital & Research Center
  • S K Suri
  • S M Patel
  • Haresh Doshi


Ovarian lesions, distribution, benign, malignant.


Background: Ovarian lesions manifest in a wide spectrum of clinical, morphological and histological features. The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution and patterns of these lesions at a tertiary care hospital.

Methods: Retreivement and collection of the data was done along with demographic data including age, sex, Ultrasonography/Computed Tomography findings. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination. Correlation of histopathological patterns was done with age, bilaterality, type, size & morphology of the lesion.

Results: Follicular cyst was the commonest non-neoplastic lesion of the ovary. Surface epithelial tumor was the commonest tumor according to the histogenesis followed by germ cell tumor. Among the malignant surface epithelial tumors, commonest type was serous cystadenocarcinoma followed by endometroid carcinoma. Serous cyst adenoma was the commonest tumor in benign category. In germ cell tumors category, benign mature teratomas constituted highest numbers (15 cases). Six cases of sex cord stromal tumor and 2 cases of metastatic tumors were also detected in the study.

Conclusions: It is concluded from this study that benign ovarian tumors were more common than malignant ones across all age groups. Though a majority of the tumors were benign, more numbers of malignant tumours were observed in our study as compared to those by other authors, which is an alarming finding. As most of the malignant ovarian tumors present late, development of methods for early diagnosis & regular screening is a pressing need today.



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How to Cite

Jarwani P, Babaria SS, Suri SK, Patel SM, Doshi H. Analysis of distribution and patterns of ovarian lesions at a tertiary care hospital. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];5(2):A177-183. Available from:



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