An extremely rare distant non communicating uterine horn mimicking parasitic leiomyoma: a diagnostic dilemma


  • Abhijit Das
  • Nidhi Verma Associate Professor
  • Sompal Singh
  • Namrata Nargotra
  • Rakesh Deepak


Unicornuate uterus, Mullerian anomaly, Pedunculated leiomyoma, Parasitic leiomyoma


Unicornuate uterus is a rare congenital anomaly which occurs due to partial development of mullerian duct system. Patient with unicornuate uterus usually present with dysmenorrhoea, hematometra and endometriosis during their reproductive period. In the absence of these symptoms, proper identification and diagnosis of mullerian anomaly becomes difficult. Sometimes during laparoscopy it can mimic parasitic leiomyoma, another rare benign condition, originated from a subserosal pedunculated leiomyoma. Even on imaging study it becomes difficult to differentiate a rudimentary uterine horn from a parasitic leiomyoma. We present here a case of a patient with a rare distant non communicating uterine horn, mimicking parasitic leiomyoma, which needed proper clinical history, radiological evaluation and histopathological examination to arrive at a correct diagnosis.

Author Biography

Nidhi Verma, Associate Professor

Associate Prfessor


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How to Cite

Das A, Verma N, Singh S, Nargotra N, Deepak R. An extremely rare distant non communicating uterine horn mimicking parasitic leiomyoma: a diagnostic dilemma. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];3(4):C194-198. Available from:



Case Report