Cytological diagnosis of fibromatosis coli: a rare presentation of infantile neck swelling


  • Abhijit Das NDMCMC & Hindu Rao Hospital
  • Namrata Nargotra
  • Ila Tyagi
  • Ritu Arora
  • Sompal Singh


Fibromatosis coli, Mesenchymal, Birth trauma, Self limiting


Fibromatosis coli is a rare benign mesenchymal lesion, usually presenting with neck mass in infant. Although etiology is not known, about half of the patients have history of birth trauma. It is self limiting fibroblastic lesion. Fine needle aspiration cytology is used as first line of investigation. If the diagnosis is made early, it shows an excellent prognosis. Most cases are managed conservatively. Here we present two interesting cases of fibromatosis coli which were diagnosed cytologically & showed complete regression after conservative management.


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How to Cite

Das A, Nargotra N, Tyagi I, Arora R, Singh S. Cytological diagnosis of fibromatosis coli: a rare presentation of infantile neck swelling. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];3(4):C203-206. Available from:



Case Report