Role of Bone Marrow profile in Cytopenias


  • Neelima Bahal Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science
  • Brijesh Thakur Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science
  • Aparna Bhardwaj Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science
  • Sandip Kudesia Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science
  • Seema Acharya Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science
  • Sanjeev Kishore Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science


BMA, BMB, Pancytopenia, Bicytopenia


Background: Cytopenia occurs usually due to some underlying haematological medical disorder. There is a long list of causes for pancytopenia and bicytopenia. Bone marrow examination is an effective way of evaluating various causes of cytopenia.

Method: Relevant clinical history and examination findings along with routine hematological, serological and biochemical investigations were recorded in all included 129 cases. Bone marrow aspiration smears and biopsy slides were studied. Special stains like Reticulin, PAS, Perl's stain were used when required.

Results: Megaloblastic anemia was the commonest cause of pancytopenia as well as bicytopenia. Other significant causes were leukemia, lymphoproliferative disorders, hypoplastic marrow and metastatic lesions.

Conclusion: both bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are complementary to each other to give the correct diagnosis. 

Author Biographies

Neelima Bahal, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology, Assistant Professor

Brijesh Thakur, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology, Assistant Professor

Aparna Bhardwaj, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology,  Proffessor

Sandip Kudesia, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology,  Professor

Seema Acharya, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology,  Professor

Sanjeev Kishore, Shri,Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Science

Department of Pathology,  Professor & Head


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How to Cite

Bahal N, Thakur B, Bhardwaj A, Kudesia S, Acharya S, Kishore S. Role of Bone Marrow profile in Cytopenias. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(5):A427-432. Available from:



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