Superoxidised water: A promising disinfectant against bacterial and fungal pathogens


  • Munesh Kumar Gupta
  • Pradyot Prakash
  • Sujit Bharti
  • Anil Kumar Paswan
  • Dinesh Kumar Singh
  • Ragini Tilak


Superoxidised water, Filamentous Fungi, Candida, Aspergillus, Pseudomonas


Background: Disinfectants are frequently used in hospital settings as prophylaxis. Superoxidised water is one of them, which is claimed to have disinfectant property against different microbes. Aim:This study aims to assess the in vitro efficacy of different dilutions of superoxidised water against Candida spp. and filamentous fungi apart from several pathogenic bacterial isolates.

Methods : The freshly grown clinical isolates of selected bacteria and fungi including Candida spp.,Aspergillus sp., Fusarium spp., Acremonium sp., Curvularia sp, and Bipolaris sp. were subcultured on culture plate with and without exposure of undiluted, five and ten times diluted, freshly generated superoxidised water.

Results: There was complete inhibition of all bacteria and Candida species in undiluted as well as five and ten times diluted freshly generated superoxidised water whereas filamentous fungi used in the present study were inhibited only with the use of undiluted superoxidised water. Conclusion: Undiluted superoxidised water should be used to prevent the occurrence of molds infection as nosocomial pathogens.


DOI: 10.21276/apalm.2017.982


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How to Cite

Gupta MK, Prakash P, Bharti S, Paswan AK, Singh DK, Tilak R. Superoxidised water: A promising disinfectant against bacterial and fungal pathogens. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):A19-22. Available from:



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